20 ABA Activities for Mom and Dad

We’re definitely proponents of getting your child with ASD the therapy they need (after all, that’s what we do). But the reality is, what a therapist does with your child the occasional times they are with them is NOT enough. All therapies, and especially ABA therapy, are most effective when the behaviors and life skills […]
5 Tips for Handling the Summer Months

Summer is the season of flip-flops and dripping ice cream cones, of long, lazy days at the beach, and heated baseball games. It’s the season where schedules are looser and spontaneous activities and outings are often the norm. However, for the parents of children with ASD, summertime can be especially challenging. The change in the […]
How to React when your ASD child is Rebuked

As the weather gets warmer, more park visits and outdoor activities are expected. But for parents of neuro-divergent children, this outdoor migration brings a whole new slew of challenges. What is important to know about neuro-divergent children is that they are diverse, hence the name. While most parents struggle with parenting in public (think meltdowns […]
Tips and Tricks Taking Your Child with Autism to the Dentist

Children on the autism spectrum can find it challenging to visit the dentist. The child is likely unfamiliar with the dentist they may see only twice a year, and the strange surroundings, smells and sights can trigger a meltdown. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to make your child’s visit to the dentist as […]
Benefits of In-Home Therapy

ABA therapy can be a powerful tool in helping a child on the autism spectrum develop crucial everyday skills and learn to function well in a social and academic setting. While therapy can be administered in a school environment or in a therapist’s office, there are unique benefits to a child receiving the therapy they need […]
The 10 Top Toys for Children with Autism in 2021

December is aptly National Safe Toy & Gift Month. With the Holiday Season upon us, parents are desperately on the search for the safest and most beneficial toys for their children. As a parent of a child on the spectrum, you more than familiar with the crucial role of toys and games in a child’s […]
Top 10 Benefits of ABA Therapy

ABA therapy, or Applied Behavioral Analysis, is an evidenced-based therapy that focuses on improvingchildren’s specific skills. These skills can include communication, language, social, behavioral, cognitive,self-care, and more. ABA therapy is especially beneficial for children with developmental delays,intellectual disabilities, or Autism Spectrum Disorders.Here are the top 10 benefits of ABA Therapy: It provides individualized assessment for […]